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We're committed to cultivating kids in a community where they will learn to follow Jesus faithfully.

Sunday School // Weekly at 8:45A

Children's Church is offered during the 10A service for children from preschool - 3rd grade.

Wednesday Nights // Kids Club
Fall & Spring // 6:15P

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Who is God? And what has he done? The core of our children's curriculum focuses on the Bible as the drama of God's redemption. The whole story of Scripture and memorization of key passages make up the foundation of our children's ministry.


Theology (words about God) and Doctrine (teaching about God) guide us as we navigate a world of competing ideas. Creeds and Catechesis form the second tier of curriculum. Faith seeking understanding; our kids learn with their minds and hearts what "We Believe."


The gracious, providential hand of God has been with his people through the centuries in the person of his Spirit. Saints and sinners, the faithful who have gone before us show that God is never constrained by time and place. We learn from them as we amplify God's gospel message.


Every child is called by God to look to him in faith and love others. As God rescues the world, he equips his children of every age, grade, and gender to do the work of the ministry at home, at school, abroad, and through prayer. Our children are an active part of our church.

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